MILESTONES | 2022-2023

MILESTONE 2022-2023

2022-2023, the Majuro Atoll Local Government completed several impactful projects and initiatives. Rice and Quarter Leg Distribution during COVID Outbreak: During the challenging times of the COVID-19 outbreak, we implemented a program to distribute essential food supplies, including rice and quarter leg portions, to vulnerable households in Majuro. This initiative aimed to alleviate the economic burden faced by families affected by the pandemic, ensuring access to nutritious food and promoting community resilience.

Canopies in Different Wards: As part of our commitment to providing communal spaces for residents, we installed canopies in various wards of Majuro. These canopies serve as gathering places and provide shade for community events, fostering social interaction and enhancing the overall livability of the area.

Water Catchments: To address water scarcity and improve water management, we implemented water catchment projects across Majuro. These initiatives focused on collecting and storing rainwater for household and community use, ensuring a more reliable water supply and promoting sustainable water practices.

Kio Club Partnership: Distribution of Water Filters in Majuro: In collaboration with the Kio Club, we implemented a project to distribute water filters in Majuro. These filters helped improve access to clean and safe drinking water, particularly in areas where water quality is a concern. This initiative contributed to better health outcomes and promoted sustainable water management practices.

Enforcement of Tobacco Stickers: As part of our commitment to public health and tobacco control, we actively enforced tobacco stickers in Majuro. This initiative aimed to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use and promote compliance with tobacco packaging and labelling regulations, contributing to a healthier and tobacco-free community.

These projects and initiatives undertaken in 2022-2023 demonstrate our dedication to addressing critical community needs, supporting vulnerable households during the COVID-19 outbreak, promoting sustainability, and improving access to essential resources in Majuro Atoll. Through these efforts, we aim to enhance the well-being and resilience of all residents in our local government area.

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